Guarantee/return Policy


We are confident that you will be 100% delighted with Bloombiotics TRU MD. That’s why we offer you our No-Nonsense Money-Back Guarantee. And it’s a 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee! Our guarantee contains no fine print or misleading terms. Simply stated, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply contact us within 60 days of your purchase date and return the unused portion.
You will receive a prompt refund of the product’s purchase price.

We realize that even though we have carefully researched our ingredients and formulation to provide the greatest benefit to the most people, everyone is different and effectiveness can vary. Our goal is to improve your life with all-natural supplements that work.

So you can feel completely confident that when you purchase Bloombiotics TRU MD, you will be absolutely delighted with the results, or you will receive a full refund for the price of the product (less shipping). This is our 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee!